Stuff4Life and the Race to Zero
Our mission is simple – to enable a material circular economy; however, delivery is complex and collaboration is key.
This is also true of broader net-zero ambitions. Also true is that for organisations and nations to reach net-zero, tackling material use and enabling circularity is essential.
Our stated mission is to enable a material circular economy by establishing supply chains and technologies to implement the closed-loop recycling of materials through new servitisation, manufacturing and ownership models.
Launched in 2020, The Race to Zero is a global United Nations-led campaign rallying non-state actors to take rigorous and immediate action to halve global emissions by 2030 and deliver a healthier, fairer zero carbon world. All members of the campaign must meet robust science-aligned criteria, known as the ‘Five Ps’– Pledge, Plan, Proceed, Publish, Persuade. The holistic campaign includes action around a just transition, resilience and nature.
As members of UK Green Building Council, Stuff4Life is committed to supporting the Race to Zero and UKGBC goals. Our approach to the five Ps is as follows:
Stuff4Life pledges to support the Race to Zero and UK Green Business Council through supporting organisations to make the transition to a circular economy as soon as possible, halving emissions by 2023 and achieving net-zero no later than 2050, through the development of new technologies and new business models enabling integration of circular economy processes to reduce carbon emissions.
Stuff4Life’s plan is to scale up material circularity technologies ready for investment and utilisation by organisations, underpinning organisations’ wider commitments and business transition, improving resilience and decarbonising industry sectors. We have started work in two key sectors: built environment materials and textiles; both use complex composite materials currently made from virgin materials, typically downcycled or lost to the productive economy. Through technological and business system innovation, these materials can be used again and again, often using existing, highly optimised manufacturing and production processes and systems. Our target is to have developed and implemented solutions in at least two product sectors by 2025.
Stuff4Life has commenced work in its two target areas, establishing Stuff4Life Workwear and Stuff4Life Second Time to address technology gaps and system shortcomings to keep polyester textiles and garments, specifically workwear and uniform, in the material economy, supporting business transition to circularity and decarbonising existing industries; it is also a founding partner in Xeroc, a start-up business addressing the same issues in building products and specifically aggregates, building concrete-as-a-service business models and associated technological solutions. Both are disruptive but both work with existing supply chains and established organisations.
Stuff4Life regularly publishes articles and participates in industry events from online webinars to in-person conferences promoting the circular economy, technological and business system innovations, demonstrating how organisations can collaborate to help in The Race to Zero. Stuff4Life works with and supports others including its partners to participate in industry engagement activities, and annual reporting of progress through, for examples, publishing strategies and annual ESG reports. Stuff4Life will publish its own annual report from 2024 with solutions progressing to post-revenue status.
Stuff4Life is active in its core sectors through membership and representative organisations including CIWM, UKGBC, PCIAW, Recoup and other regional initiatives, championing change and reporting on progress to enable and encourage more organisations to actively participate in The Race to Zero.